Technology and data have been fueling innovation and transformation in healthcare for more than a decade. COVID-19 has highlighted both the progress and the deficiencies in that journey, while also providing a unique opportunity to respond to the needs arising from the pandemic.
My colleague and friend, Dr. John Halamka from Mayo Clinic is a nationally-recognized thought leader and joined us for a thought-provoking conversation on how far we’ve come and the promise that lies in front of us. Anyone who knows John, knows he has a wealth of insights from his experiences as a clinician, innovator and change agent. We asked him to spend a few minutes talking about some hot topics in healthcare technology.
Here are a few excerpts from our conversation:
- On interoperability: “The meaningful use era, moving everybody to electronic recording, gave us the potential of being able to say we’re going to create data sets we can use.”
- On AI and patient care: “Sometimes people say, ‘Oh, AI, that means my doctor is going away, right?’ …well, no. But what it means is we will develop algorithms that augment your clinician in a way that helps them with decision making, and maybe streamlines the way they get through their day and reduces burden.”
- On ethical use of data: “You can’t offer an infinite number of consumer choices on consent. But you can offer what I’ll call a reasonable number…for which the patient could say, ‘you know, I really don’t want to participate in research, or I don’t want this to go into a product, and this is my preference.’ And then respect that preference.”
- On his 1% rule: “Work at the intersection of disciplines, form coalitions for the benefit of all, and I think you’ll have a huge impact.”
I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did.