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Interview Series, Episode 4: Brad Wheeler

by | Sep 4, 2020 | Interviews | 0 comments

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Read the interview transcript

As higher education IT leaders, we need to be better at leveraging the collective intelligence of our institutions – and our peers’ – to create organizational value faster.

My colleague and friend, Dr. Bradley Wheeler from Indiana University, joined us for a thought-provoking conversation on the past and future of information technology in higher education. Dr. Wheeler has always been a voice of progress, innovation and collaboration, and I was excited to get to spend a few minutes with him to talk about the profound impacts of COVID-19 on our industry, the incredible acceleration it has created for the role of information technology in the university’s mission, and the once-in-a-generation opportunity for IT leaders to capitalize on.

Some highlights from our chat:

  • The need for radical simplification of processes and innovation with the users in mind: “Students are increasingly consumeristic in terms of how they shop for the experiences they want.”
  • Higher education as an industry in transition and shakeout: “[COVID] has caused our institutions to innovate swiftly in ways that we never thought possible….I think that was an innovation we needed.”
  • A challenge for all of us as technology leaders to answer the question ‘how do we scale?’
  • The criticality of user experience: “We need to think about constituent journeys… about how we build a connected journey for students and others.”

I hope you enjoy this interview with Brad Wheeler.  He has been a force of positive change in our field for a generation.