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Interview Series, Episode 2: Abby Sears of OCHIN

by | Jul 16, 2020 | Interviews | 0 comments

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Read the interview transcript

COVID-19 has affected every person, but the more we study the data, the more we see an exacerbation of societal inequities in the pandemic’s impact. One such area is in health inequities, where Black, Indigenous, and People of Color – as well as those in lower socio-economic tiers – are being impacted at a far greater rate.

In this podcast, I interview Abby Sears, CEO of OCHIN, a non-profit organization that operates as a health care innovation center, designed to provide knowledge solutions promoting quality, affordable health care for all. OCHIN is nationally recognized for their work in health equity and a leader in demonstrating how data and technology, applied rightly, can make a big difference in closing the equity gaps.

I invited Abby to talk about data-driven insights around healthcare inequities that OCHIN sees, what it is like being a female CEO of a tech company, and get her take on what we can all do to do a better job closing the health equity gap in our society.

I have had the pleasure to work with this organization and serve as a member of the OCHIN Board of Directors since 2017.  I hope you enjoy our conversation.